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One of the most enduring conversations in restaurant circuits is whether reusable cloth napkins are better than disposable napkins. We’re here to break this deadlock and establish its natural conclusion: cloth napkin service benefits restaurants more than disposable options.

Here’s how:

Napkin Service is Sustainable

Paper napkins become waste. Because they are single use, after one, two wipes they are headed for the landfill. Because they are flimsy and do not clean as effectively as cloth napkins do, one customer could use four, five in a single sitting. Between six and ten if wings or ribs are involved. Even customers that order take out grab a few paper napkins on the way out. With every customer taking a handful of napkins with every visit, those numbers stack up. That’s not only bad for the environment, but for your bottom line as well. 

It’s easy to see how paper napkins contribute to the larger solid waste problem worldwide.

The biggest caveat to the sustainability of cloth napkins is its carbon footprint via laundry processes. However, an eco-friendly laundry service that takes steps to limit their processing effects can easily solve that problem.

Napkin Service Benefits Appearance

There was a time in history when using paper napkins in lieu of actual cloth napkins was considered of poor taste. In fact, it took an Emily Post approval to make disposable paper napkins acceptable outside of picnic dining options. Forms of this belief linger to this day. 

While we may no longer be tied to the rules of 50’s dining etiquette, paper napkin’s stature makes them problematic in certain situations. Their cheapness and informality exclude them from many dining situations.  

With the exception of fast food, cloth napkins are still the standard, and not just in fine dining establishments. They make tables look cleaner and more comfortable. Plus, there are enough cloth napkin options available so you can play around with more casual or formal looks depending on what suits your aesthetics and brand better.


Paper napkins have, in general, been hailed for their inexpensiveness and convenience. What many restaurant owners don’t realize is the fact that the costs do add up, and that paper napkin use turns out to be costlier than using cloth napkins. For long-term use, and with higher quality linens, cloth napkins yield savings in the long run.

Buying cloth napkins in bulk for a restaurant can be, unfortunately, heavy on the budget. They don’t always come cheap and higher quality napkins are even more expensive. Restaurant napkin rentals make so much more financial and pragmatic sense.

Maintenance Matters

The biggest letdown, perhaps, to using cloth napkins – and without a doubt is the biggest reason restaurants do not use them – is the matter of maintenance. Although cloth napkins are, in general, low maintenance, it requires skill and expert experience to clean them well. Their longevity is also determined by the care they receive, and a napkin rental program will know how to do that. 

Managing their upkeep on top of running a busy food business can also be quite taxing. Enter: restaurant linen service provider. Wilkins Linen and Dust Control Service has all the solutions for your restaurant linen needs – and not just napkins. We make sure that you get all the benefits of high-quality, classy table napkins without the hassles!

Contact Wilkins Linen Today

Cloth napkins are better. Your restaurant needs to get in on it. Get in touch with us today! Call us at 1-866-WILKINS. 

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