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Wilkins Linen isn’t sitting down in the fight against COVID-19. With an obstacle as unprecedented as COVID-19, there is no room for half-measures or weak commitments. Now more than ever, we’re leaning on the strength of our community, and doing everything we can to support it. After all, we’re in this together, and it’s only together that we can beat it.

Full Teams on Deck

Now’s not the time to pull back. Our clients are from a wide range of industries, and they have jobs to do, and need the materials to do them. Their operations are dependent on the timely delivery of quality linens, uniforms, and facility services. As their providers, it’s our duty to ensure they’re able to do what they can to support their communities and economies. We don’t take that duty lightly, and are committed to their missions.

As such, our staff is in full force, and our operations are proceeding at the scale of production required by our clients. To this end, we can’t be thankful enough for our dedicated staff and their willingness to forge ahead. This crisis has really brought into focus how much of a team we are, and teams support each other. From our operations professionals to plant managers, we have nothing but confidence in our ability to show up when necessary.

Lunchroom Conversion to Daycare Center

With the closure of schools across the nation, our employees with children were left with a difficult situation. Having young children unable to watch themselves and nobody available to look after them made balancing their work-life impossible. Wilkins Linen recognized the pressure of this hurdle and opened the lunchroom to alleviate it.

Following CDC Guidelines

Though we’ve kept operations in full swing and converted our lunchroom to a daycare, we haven’t lost sight of the real issue. COVID-19 is a dangerous foe, and we are taking all possible precautions necessary to beat it at every level. This means following CDC guidelines for infection prevention, which include consistent and thorough handwashing, liberal use of hand sanitizer, and observing social distancing practices as thoroughly as possible.

Though inconvenient, we know the importance of suppressing the spread of this virus wherever possible. Not only for our benefit and operational needs, but for the safety and health of our clients.

Working with Clients

As the virus starts to slow down sectors of the economy, we can’t expect some of our customers, especially those in the hospitality service sector, to keep the same demand for items. As a result, we’re working with our clients and adjusting their deliveries to accommodate the drop in business. We will work with our customers in terms of temporary suspension of services. 

We’re also letting them keep products on premises that would otherwise be picked up. This allows them to keep their business as clean as possible without the added expense of replacement.

Wilkins Linen is Here to Support Your Business

If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to give us a call at 1-866-945-5467 or contact us here. We are here to support you and your business through these trying times.

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