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The New Year is a time for setting new goals, introducing new procedures, and casting a new vision. You are always looking for ways to cut costs, improve efficiencies, and maintain or improve quality. For 2017, consider the advantages of outsourcing your linens and its impact to your bottom line.

Rent Linens in 2017

Renting your linens starts with finding the right linen services company. You will want a company with high standards, a good reputation, and who provides the specific services you need. Consider the following reasons for renting your linens this year:

1. Save time and money

You will not need to pay your staff to clean, sort, and put away your linens. This will free up time and money you can put back into your business. It will also save you time having to monitor their work- time you can spend on revenue-producing activities instead.

2. Consistent cleaning standards

Your linens will be cleaned consistently at the highest standards without having to oversee the cleaning process. Your linen company will make sure your linens are always cleaned to the same high standards. You and your clients will be able to depend on having the freshest, cleanest linens every single time.

3. No inventory to maintain

You will not have to spend money on acquiring and maintaining an inventory of linens, nor on a storage space. When linens are worn or torn, you will not have to spend money replacing them. Your linens provider will make sure you always have the newest, cleanest linens at no hassle to you.

Special Considerations for Healthcare Facilities

If you run a hospital or a healthcare facility, renting your health care products will guarantee OSHA and JCAHO compliance. You will not have to concern yourself with meeting these regulations because your linens provider will make sure you are always in compliance. This will save you a lot of time and headache.

Simplify Your Laundry With Wilkins Linen

Cleaning your linens is essential to your business, but it’s not a direct revenue-producing activity. Let a company that specializes in keeping your linen supply clean and adequately stocked manage your linens so you and your staff can make the most of your time. Having been leaders in the linen services industry since 1952, Wilkins Linens is happy to provide all your linen resources. Contact Us for more information on how we can help you manage your hospitality products, health care facility laundry, or any other linen needs in 2017.


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