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There may be no other industry quite so scrutinized as hospitality. When the guest is always right, many employees start to feel like they’re always wrong. This is why it’s so important to provide a memorable guest experience on the front-end and employee training and incentives on the back-end. Implementing smart outsourcing and technology where it will prove the most helpful will only enhance the services you’re offering. An exceptional guest experience comes down to a thoughtful combination of technology and human touch. Share on X

Outsourcing For a Positive Hospitality Experience

When you think of outsourcing, you likely imagine every negative story you’ve ever heard. In reality, outsourcing is a fantastic way to ensure that you’re able to focus on the right things, while someone else handles the rest. The right linen service can take all the guesswork out of linen management, providing the right cleaning and hospitality products to suit your needs. In essence, outsourcing streamlines an entire process, allowing you to focus on more important things.  

Hire the Right People

In the hospitality industry, there is almost nothing as important as the people you hire. People skills, clear communication and the utmost professionalism are crucial traits employees should possess.

Provide a Clean, Elegant Appearance

Whether you have a restaurant, hotel or catering service, your equipment, facility, and staff should never be unkempt or dirty. Uniforms, linens, walls, and countertops should be clean and dust-free. Cleaning products should be accessible to everyone who needs them and regularly replenished.  

Use Technology Appropriately

Rely on technology as an enabler. It shouldn’t hinder the process but should streamline the work done by your employees. Completely automating a certain process may be confusing to guests, whereas automating an aspect of it might prove helpful to both guests and staff. Many businesses have attempted to replace human customer service with technology, and time and time again it’s proven disastrous.

Don’t Forget the Details

The eye is drawn to flaws, so try to limit the noticeable ones! If you have stained tablecloths, dusty furniture or ragged carpet, guests will notice. Try to ensure overall cleanliness in addition to pristine details.

The Whole Package

Many industries struggle with employee turnover, but it’s particularly painful in hospitality, where guest service is such a crucial part of the product. With this in mind, make sure that you’re not only creating a positive guest experience but a positive employee experience as well. For happier employees and satisfied guests, you should strive to be the whole package, and Wilkins Linen is here to help you on your way!

Contact Us to find out how to streamline your linen and laundry process.

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