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Anytime you or a loved one is in the operating room, stress and anxiety are generally high. You hope for the best response and recovery to the surgery. You fear complications and issues that may arise. One source of potential complications is lint in the operating room.

The Causes of Lint in the Operating Room

Lint is made up of ultra-fine fibers that tear away from common fabrics used in surgical gowns, curtains, and other items in the OR. It can come from both disposable and reusable items. Some fibers are more susceptible to producing lint than others. Factors that contribute to a fabric’s propensity to lint include fiber type, fiber quality, and weave type.

Lint can cause serious issues in surgery settings such as infection and surgery complications. Reducing the opportunity and chance for linting is a crucial measure all surgery facilities should take. Lint can affect blood clotting, wound healing, inflammation and more.

How to Prevent Lint in the Operating Room

Towels and gowns made of fabrics with longer, better quality fibers with tighter weaves are generally more lint-resistant. Other gowns and items made with monofilament fiber fabrics are also extremely lint-resistant. Watch for articles that have been damaged with use, however. Monofilament polyester fibers are also gaining popularity for use in OR towels, baby blankets, and other items. They generate very little lint.

Working with a commercial linen company that understands and provides health care services is one way to reduce the possibility of lint in the OR.  Make sure your provider uses high quality, low-lint generating fabrics.

Wilkins Linen Keeps Your OR Safe

When you’re taking care of patients and protecting lives, it’s important to know you have a linen company you can rely on. Wilkins Linen is Houston’s trusted healthcare linen provider. We specialize in high-quality health care linens and services.

Prevent lint in the operating room with Wilkins Linen. Contact Us for more information on our healthcare products and services.

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