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Spring brings with it thoughts of renewal and growth. You may want to open windows to let the stagnant winter air out and the fresh air in. Looking around your facility, you may see the wear and tear of the past year. Now is the time to make sure your facility is running as efficiently as possible, with a thorough inspection and cleaning. Share on X

The Importance of a Spring Cleaning Checklist

For some, spring cleaning is a beloved ritual to prepare for a season of renewal. For others it’s a dreaded chore. While it must be tailored to the needs of your facility, the following tips will help get you started this spring:

1) Walk Through

Walking your facility inside and out with a keen eye will give you insights you might otherwise miss when you’re rushing around doing your job. Make a list of damages and areas that need extra cleaning attention.

2) Eliminate Clutter

Workplace appearance shouldn’t be overlooked when addressing issues of cleanliness. Even if common areas aren’t dirty per se, cluttered workspaces and unkempt offices can increase employee stress and anxiety levels. This has a negative impact on office morale and can lead to accidents and injuries. Ensure that employees have access to cleaning and dust control products to tend to their workstations. Provide employees with a clean, organized workplace to help them feel focused and confident.

3) Carpet Cleaning

One of the first things visitors notices as they enter your facility is the condition of your flooring. Carpet take up a large expanse, so it’s very easy to spot signs of wear, dirty traffic patterns and stains. The success and profitability of your facility hinges in part on keeping furnishings clean and in good condition. Not only does regular carpet cleaning improve the overall appearance of your facility, but it will extend the lifespan of a costly asset.

4) HVAC Inspection

An HVAC inspection consists of a comprehensive examination of your systems and its components to determine whether they are contaminated with microbial growth or other contamination build-up. Indoor air quality is a concern that facility managers have due to the fact that contaminants and allergens are circulated via the HVAC system. While a certain level of contamination doesn’t necessarily equate to unhealthy air, the situation may be contributing to larger health issues and could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or allergies.

5) Upgrade Linen Service

Take a look at your facility’s linens. Are they adequate? Clean? Free of stains? Are you satisfied with your linen service provider? If not, you may want to upgrade your laundry service and update your linens. Worn or dingy linens can negatively color visitor’s image of your facility, as can a shortage of clean linens.

Set Goals for the Future

Setting goals with employees can help motivate your staff to keep the facility in better shape. Even if you use a cleaning service, everyone should chip in to ensure that the building always looks its best. Consider signage or a daily checklist for personal organization and facility cleanliness. Make cleanliness a priority and your employees will too.

Organization Equals Efficiency

Starting fresh with a thorough spring cleaning is a smart, proactive way to protect and beautify your facility. A building that reflects a priority of cleanliness will enhance the health and morale of the people who use it. A clean, organized facility runs more efficiently and with better success than a facility that’s unkempt and unclean. Wilkins Linen puts our customers first, enabling them to focus on managing their facility while we manage the linens!

If your facility needs a reliable linen service provider or help managing dust and dirt, Contact Us.

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