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Dust is as much a health hazard as it is a nuisance. Whatever your business field, keeping dust low and your facility clean can go a long way toward attracting and retaining customers. Not sure where to start? Wilkins Linen might have a few ideas.

Does your business have a constant problem with dust? Learn how to keep things clean and reduce the need for emergency clean-ups! Share on X

Keeping Dust Buildup at Bay

The best way to control dust in your business is to prevent buildup before it starts. Thankfully, you can easily take preventive steps to implement dust control. Start by developing these regular habits:

  1. Watch for sources of dust
  2. Dust and vacuum daily
  3. Replace air filters
  4. Use and clean floor mats
  5. Use specialized cleaning products

1) Watch for Sources of Dust

What generates the most dust in your facility? Maybe visitors track dirt on their shoes, or maybe your business is located in a particularly dry and dusty area. Whatever the cause, make note of it. This can help you determine how best to curb the rising tide of dust.

2) Dust and Vacuum Daily

Arguably the best way to prevent the buildup of dust is never to let it build up in the first place. At the end of each workday, dust off every surface and vacuum the entire floor thoroughly. Make sure no dust remains before you leave for the day. You can then look forward to coming in to a clean workplace tomorrow!

3) Replace Air Filters

Unfortunately, even dusting every surface can’t get rid of airborne dust. That’s what air filters are for! These probably don’t need to be replaced daily, but you should make sure to check them at least every week and replace them if the dust buildup is too thick. A clogged filter can’t help you keep the air breathable.

Pro Tip: Average suburban homeowners should change their HVAC filters about once every 2-3 months. A public business with far more allergen risks than the average home should change their air filters at least once a month, especially if the location is prone to dust.

4) Use and Clean Floor Mats

Doormats do more than just look nice. If customers constantly track in dirt and dust on their shoes, a floor mat can help curb the worst of it from spreading inside your business. But just like your air filter, a mat covered in dirt can’t help you with dust control. Shake or beat the mat clean at the end of every workday and don’t let the dust blow back inside! Even quickly vacuuming the rug can help keep the dust down.

5) Use Specialized Cleaning Products

Your business will need higher-quality dusting products than your home. Dust mops and microfiber rags such as those provided by a professional dust control service will go a long way toward keeping your facility clean. Best of all, once you’re done cleaning, you can hand the supplies off to your dust control management group to be washed for the next day’s cleaning.

A Clean Business is Always Better

It goes without saying that a clean business appeals aesthetically to customers, attracting new people and encouraging old clients to keep coming. Customers or employees with respiratory issues will especially be grateful for the clean air. Here at Wilkins Linen, we appreciate a clean place of business and want to help you with all your dust control needs!

Ready to implement a new dust control routine? Connect with us for further tips and tricks to make your business shine!

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