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Linen and uniform inventories are always a big responsibility. And it’s so easy to make mistakes that can cost your facility. What are these common mistakes businesses make in linen/uniform management, you ask? Here are the biggest ones:

The Most Common Mistakes Businesses Make in Linen/Uniform Management

These mistakes are not only easy to make. They can negatively impact your efficiency, derail your budget, or affect your customers’ overall experience:

Having Too Many or Too Few Linens and Uniforms

Having too many linens and uniforms is expensive but having too few of them leads to shortages that become operational nightmares and affect customer experience. Linen/uniform management is a balancing act that requires being able to anticipate needs and surges while staying within a budget.

Poor Maintenance

Proper uniform maintenance is the deciding factor in how far your linen and uniform supplies can go. And the worst mistake you can make is not providing sufficient care for your supplies. However, proper uniform and linen care can be quite expensive. Finding the right balance between them is like walking a tightrope that can put you at risk of serious mismanagement.

Improper Storage

Appropriate storage is especially crucial for linens that need to appear clean and/or be sterile (i.e., hospitality, food service, healthcare). It is also essential in ensuring the longevity of your supplies. However, meeting the appropriate storage requirements for your products can mean added space requirements, which translates to more expenses. Unfortunately, far too many supply managers fail in this area.

Owning Your Linens and Uniforms

Contrary to popular belief, owning linens and uniforms is actually one of the worst decisions you can make. Owning them is not only a matter of massive upfront costs. They also come with a whole host of responsibilities, primary among them is maintenance. It’s the biggest source of a long-term cost that is often unpredictable. For example, we are now seeing both a rising cost of utilities and rising labor costs. Then there’s the matter of equipment maintenance cost that will creep up on you.

Wilkins: Mistake-Free, Hassle-Free Linen and Uniform Management

It goes without saying that linen and uniform management is a massive undertaking. The good news is, you don’t have to go at it alone. You don’t have to be saddled with the full brunt of your management needs because Texas’s best linen and uniform expert is here to help! With Wilkins Linen, you’ll get:

  • Extensive Industry Experience. Wilkins Linen is the leading Texas linen and uniform giant that can take care of all your needs. For more than 70 years now, we’ve helped countless facilities reach their linen and uniform management goals.
  • Service Expertise. Wilkins Linen specializes in dealing with commercial facilities’ linen and laundry needs. With us, you don’t ever have to worry about the quality of your linens and uniforms. You can also manage your supplies with ease, thanks to our efficient handling that ensures the availability of your supplies. You can expect zero delays, zero mix-ups, and absolutely zero issues with the readiness of each of your supplies.
  • Complete Linen and Uniform Management Support. Linen and uniform management is a demanding undertaking. And Wilkins Linen offers you complete support in every area of your need. You’ll get a dedicated representative who will oversee your account and ensure the safe and secure delivery of your supplies.

Contact Wilkins Today!

Wilkins is the Texas linen and uniform service expert that can help you take your supply management to the next level. Avoid the common mistakes businesses make in linen/uniform management! Call us at 1-866-945-5467 to sign up for service or to learn more about what we can do for your business. You may also contact us here to request a free quote or to send in your inquiries!

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