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Creating an efficient janitorial closet is vital in order to maintain a well-organized facility. Employees should treat the space with a level of respect that a messy, haphazard closet might not receive. Often times if a facility has overflowing trash cans or debris on the ground outside, it’s because someone set a bad example. Share on X Your janitor’s closet is no different. You must prioritize the space and set a clear expectation of how you would like the building to be cleaned and the closet to be organized.

Your Facility’s Janitorial Closet

Choosing the right cleaning products and supplies not only encourage cleanliness but ensures safety as well. While harsh chemicals may be necessary in certain settings, employees should be well trained on handling cleaning products and chemicals. Janitorial supplies should include proper personal protective equipment including gloves, aprons, shoe booties, and goggles for your cleaning staff, as needed. Be sure to provide an accessible first aid kit for the rare occasion in which an accident might happen.

Cleaning Towels

Would you want your work surfaces wiped down with the same towel used to wipe a toilet lid? How about mopping the break room floor with a dirty mop that’s never been cleaned? Not only is this just gross, it can also spread bacteria and pathogens. Rags used without regard for cross-contamination, towels that are rarely washed, and filthy mops don’t clean anything. Instead, these items simply push dirt and germs around. Your facility should have a reliable laundry service for all those cleaning textiles.

Tracking Inventory

Keep records of all the supplies, equipment and chemicals stored in the janitorial closet. This will help the cleaning staff know exactly what supplies are available and what may need to be restocked. The list should include the last date of order to easily see how quickly you are using a specific product, allow you to re-order appropriate amounts, budget better, and notice any areas of waste. Make reordering items a priority and make it clear that improperly refilling cleaning containers with water, or with other chemicals, is prohibited.

Training Your Staff

A properly trained janitorial staff will act as the first defense in the prevention of accidents. Ensure they’re properly trained in cleaning supplies and chemical management to help avoid accidents. Basic elements, such as avoiding mixing chemicals, should be a must. Have a sink with a drain and paper towels for hand washing and dirty water disposal.

A Place For Everything

And everything in its place. The phrase pertains not only to your facility on the whole but down to details like the janitorial closet. Commercial cleaning is very different than what you do at home and requires a certain amount of diligence, organization and expertise.  Cleaning jobs should be arranged in a checklist to allow for easy oversight, and the cleaning crew should receive regular training. In addition, the facility should receive routine inspections to ensure that efficiency and safety are at an all-time high. Wilkins Linen Services understands that the success of your facility hinges largely on its cleanliness. We can help. 

Contact Us to learn how an efficient cleaning strategy can increase facility appearance and employee safety.

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